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tv   Justice With Judge Jeanine  FOX News  January 5, 2013 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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jail and for years has been stewing about that witness. judges and d.a.s like me he who not only investigated indicted and prosecuted criminals but as a judge actually put them in jail. so when the heat is turned up and we want answers and we want to know why, you the journal news can't talk? you shut down? come on. give us a hint. was it your leftist liberal anti-gun agenda? did you even think about the consequences? was it all about money? will you step up if something happens to one of us? you you know you have made us vulnerable. and what is your lame excuse for doing so? we knew publication of the database would be controversial but we felt sharing as much information as we could about gun ownership in the area was
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important in the aftermath of the newtown shooting. really? are you serious? that's in the enough. one person the editor and vice president of the journal news cindy royal who repeatedly called me when i was the district attorney answered tersely sorry can't do that. and that would be why? and then the ultimate hyper critical news looks to people to protect them from the very danger they have created? now, that you are under the microscope you look like in the heed lights. you are looking pretty weak right now and my sources tell meow are scared. you are disconnecting your phones and hiding behe hind people with guns after criticizing those of us who legally own them. get the hell out of your elitist egghead tower and put
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on your big boy pants and face the music and start answering some questions! by the way, i know your names and addresses. and i know where your families live. but my mother are raised a lady. i think about consequences. i think about the anger out there. it might put you you in jeopardy. so i will be a lady tonight and take the high road. but when you come out of hiding, i have got a chair right here next to me for you to answer some questions. with me is new york state senator greg ball and the president of the westchester county firearms association. senator, you have worked with the journal news. what were these dimwits thinking? >> i heard the emotion and you have first hand experience with these folks. >> for 30 years. >> they are left of the left but they are not fair in any
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way whatsoever. they used the editorial pages to counter terrorist and illegal aliens and it you look at the statement and that map with all of the red dots what does it prove? that tens of thousands of people are obeying the law. look at the map. are it proves not a damn thing. >> it proves who we are and where we live. >> do you you think that is puts gun owners in danger? >> absolutely. we know it does. right now a criminal from the compass of their own living room takes the mouse click and looks at your house and how to enter it and leave it the whole street and we are all at risk and that put all of our families at rick. they are waiving our first amendment rights and going and violating our rights. >> second amendment. >> second amendment rights and others around putting our people in harm's way. >> judge jeanine: does it in fact maybe aid the people or make it worse for people who don't have guns. film' a burglar i'm looking at this and saying hey, they don't have a gun.
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>> other states have seen bone headed measures like this. we heard first hand cases where law enforcement officers have been tarted. i'm hearing from people who are anti-gun and antisecond amendment and they are just as just as upset. if you are also a victim of domestic violence and you don't have a permit now your abuser knows hey, she doesn't have a pistol permit. so both of them are calling our offices and extremely worried and upset. >> judge jeanine: and you are submitting legislation to do what? >> the journal news did this before. i introduced legislation in the assembly. >> judge jeanine: not in an interakron ittive map like this. >> because technology whether it be cyber bullying or terrorism, we continue to push the states laws and federal laws to catch up. the freedom of information act is the exact same thing.
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>> judge jeanine: forget about the technicality. what are they thinking? what is the end game here? >> they are trying to sell they have done ad smith they good job to create controversy. >> judge jeanine: what do you think the end goal is? >> has to be commercial use which meant that the foia shouldn't have been issued for that. >> judge jeanine: we will have two county clerks on next. >> an anti-gun agenda. they want to out people with guns. >> and we now lost that sense of again for you not knowing that i'm a gun owner that i don't have a gun that security has now been diminished because of what they have done. >> talk about egg heads. mark green egg head of all egg heads came out today and likened law abiding gun owners to sexual predators. they view
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no. we have to have. >> what with he we do? can a journalist be sued? >> other law enforcements organizations on record saying it's a single one of our members get hurt we're holding you responsible. >> what are you going to do? >> we would sue. we've had a long discussion on this. if something happens to one of our member that's is our plan. >> what do you think -- . >> it should abe tough fight. >> why do you think these wimps are hide something. >> i'd like to get, net to pay or everyone on that list. >> you're going to bully them in the chin, they run away. >> thanks guys for being with us this evening.,)xñ >> should the newspaper publish names and addresses of individuals who legally own guns? what do you think?
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tell me. we'll have the results of the first insta poll at the end of the show. up next, one county clerk releases names and addresses of gun owners. another one refuses. in a justice exclusive, both are with me in the studio. later, i call it a black widow. jody arias faces a death penalty for a brutal murder of her ex-boyfriend. she looks pretty but i'm not so sure.
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progressive claims. this is flo. i need you. i feel so alone. but you're not alone. i knew you'd come. like i could stay away.
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you know i can't do this without you. you'll never have to. you're always there for me. shh! i'll get you a rental car. i could also use an umbrella. fall in love with progressive's claims service. >> judge jeanine: we are not talking about whether it is legal but whether it was right for the journal news to publish the names and addresses of registered gun owners. with me are the westchester county clerk and putnam county clerk. gentlemen, thanks for being with me this evening. you are both county clerks and have the same job and both work
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in new york state and both responded to the journal news foia request, freedom of information request differently. tim, it was the information you gave the journal news which pretty much started this national outrage. why did you do it? >> we did it because it is the right thing to do under new york state laws. the pennal law in new york state says that the names and addresses of pistol permit holders shall be public information. >> judge jeanine: no doubt about it. let me add my confirmation to that. i was a judge who would sign pistol permitsers not for everybody. especially the guy who said he needed a pistol permit for hunting and fishing. got that one. you don't shoot fish. he didn't get that. but your aright it is public information. what did the journal news want from you? >> everything. the types of guns and how many they had and what judge signed and they wanted to know everything included in an application for a pistol permit. >> judge jeanine: you have all of that information. >> we do and, as a matter of fact, the county clerks have the discretion of releasing it.
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i did not. i thought they were going way too far. >> judge jeanine: the additional information you didn't release. >> right, i did not. >> judge jeanine: did you speak to them and say look i'm not going to give everything. just giving the names and address? >> the foia officer responded in writing and we got an opinion to the county attorney who said we should release the information. >> dennis, county clerk. same job. you said no way, jose. why? >> i thought it was a great invasion of privacy. i watch what happened in westchester and in rockland county. my office was flooded with phone calls. we had probably 400 phone calls within three days of the publication. >> judge jeanine: do you think people are at risk if you give that information out? >> pardon? >> judge jeanine: do you think that they would be in danger? >> absolutely. >> judge jeanine: why? >> we give the criminals a road map. technology is really different than it was 20 years ago, 2030 years ago when the -- 30 years
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ago when the laws were written. each one was placed with a little red flag. certainly my colleague had no idea what was going to unfold. take google earth and go right into the driveway and see their car and look at the license plate. what an invasion of privacy. and the heartwrenching stories that i heard from all of the people in my neighboring counties of westchester and rockland made me he pause. i gathered all of my attorneys together. >> judge jeanine: and said no way. >> no way. >> judge jeanine: you know it will go to the courts, right? >> absolutely. >> judge jeanine: you are setting it up for an appeal and court action ultimately. gentleman there is a section of the what is it the public officer's law that says if it is an unwarranted invasion of personal property that you don't have to release the information. when they didn't get the additional stuff from you, tim from westchester, were they angry? did they come back at you and say we want it? >> they did not push it hard
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because they knew they weren't going to get it. >> judge jeanine: why did they want this info? >> they want to sell newspapers we know. >> judge jeanine: at what price do they want to sell newspapers. >> enough to prostitute themselves in it order to increase the circulation with a newspaper that is certainly not the eye of putnam, westchester or rockland counties. >> judge jeanine: do you think, gentlemen, i mean you guys are smart guys, you run for office, you are elected public officials. do you think the kni nitwits st around a table and said gee what if someone gets killed as a result of it and what is our excuse for wanting the judge who signed the gun. >> gretchen: someone can walk. >> someone can walk in and be staring at a shotgun. >> judge jeanine: forget about the money. do they not think? >> they sell newspapers. a jeanine, they took a
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horrible tragedy with our neighbors in newtown and sensationalized on it and justified -- >> judge jeanine: you and i know it had nothing to do with newtown. >> nothing whatsoever. >> judge jeanine: tim, you felt you had to do it. you are my county clerk but dennis my hats s off to you and to you for not giving it all out. >> judge jeanine: coming up she shot and stabbed her ex-boyfriend 27 times in what she says is self-defense. a case of fatal attraction or an act of self-defense. and later, she was too sexy for her job so her are boss fired her. and you won't believe who the all male court sided with. [ male announcer ] where do you turn for legal matters? at legalzoom, we've created a better place to handle your legal needs. maybe you have questions about incorporating a business you'd like to start. or questions about protecting your family
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>> judge jeanine: the murder trial of jody aryas accused of bruteally killing her ex-boyfriend travissal ex-ander got underway this week in arizona. alexander was shot, stabbed and had his throat cut from ear to ear. she said that alexander was killed by two attackers. >> i witnessed travis being attacked by two other individuals. >> who? >> i don't know who they were. >> later she says she killed alexander but did it in self-defense. the prosecution says the murder was the result of a jealous rage and they are seeking the death penalty. here with the latest is crime reporter shanna hogan. good evening, shanna. >> good evening, judge. >> judge jeanine: what is the latest on this trial? >> well, this week we got opening arguments and the first
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couple witnesses. the defense for the first time presented their theory of the case which is pretty explosive. according to the defense basically during the last day of his life they were having a sexual tryst during which he tied her up using rope and he' parentally used a knife. and then later on that day they were taking photos of each other? the shower or she was teaing photos of him in the shower and she drops the a camera and according to the defense he links at her and she grabbed the knife and stabs him 27 times and slashes his throat. >> judge jeanine: so she is upset or he is upset allegedly because she dropped his camera and therefore he comes at her and she attacks them and stabs him in self-defense. but he was shot. does she explain who shot him? >> that was the million dollars question in the opening in mynts at least mckinley nye opinion. there was no mention of the gud gotten the gun. it was kind of like a last minute effort on the defense's
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part especially considering this is her are third story. >> judge jeanine: you're right. the first story was i was no where near there and then the second story was there were two people and i got away and, of course, the third story i had to do it in self-defense. what is her behavior like in the courtroom, shanna? >> lots of crocodile tears. glances away from the camera and shields her eyes when they show the crime scene photos but when you look closely there are no actual tears which the body languagers perts pointed out. seems to be generally upset but whether or not that s for her case or what she did or seeing the photos it doesn't really seem to be to know. one thing i also have notice about her she h looks incrediby frail. the anxiety of this might be taking a toll. she is a lot skin anyier than even two weeks ago if some of the last hearings. it is patriotic aalarming. >> judge jeanine: she says i'm
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innocent you can mark my words and no jury will ever convict me and she has not shied away from the cameras and interviews. she did some singing thing on some kind of reality show. >> prison reality show. >> what is with her. is she focused? is she listening? is she acting appropriately? or is this woman a whack job? >> in my opinion i think she is a whack job. you have to be to do what she did. she is incredibly narcissitic. you know, it is very -- it is very interesting like what kind of background. nothing really in her background that shows any propensity towards violence. no ex-boyfriends coming out of the wood work saying she stalked me, too,. >> pretty interesting. >> judge jeanine: thank you for following this.
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joining me is a friend of the victim who delivered the eulogy at alexander's funeral from denver. travis, thanks for being with us. >> good evening, judge pirro. nice to be with you. >> judge jeanine: tell us what the victim in this case. what was he like and how did you know him? >> travis i think we could describe him as a motivational speaker. if you can think about having a motivational speaker maybe in your close knit group of friends that would be an appropriate way to describe the relationship i had with him. a person who didn't take a break from being a motivator and inspired the people around him to become better people and that is what he did for me. he was a person who was giving and very talented. i would describe him as someone who took good care of people and wanted the world to become better and when gave somebody something he didn't expect a thank you he would say pay it forward as in giving those blessings to other people.
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>> did you meet jody aryas? >> very infrequently. one or two times. specifically after travis' death when she was coming to the memorial service and groups of his friends were gathering together before the police had identified her. >> judge jeanine: what was your impression of her, aaron? >> it was at the time the police said they didn't have a person of interest and they had spoken with her. >> judge jeanine: what did you think of her? >> i was confused. i was confused. i guess i didn't really know her very well and when i talked to her i didn't get a feeling about whether she was involved or not. i think she did a good job of confusing people. >> judge jeanine: did you ever talk to him or did he talk to you, the victim talk to you about this defendant? >> i know that travis spoke with a lot of people specifically to me and some of my friends. >> judge jeanine: what did he say about her? >> from time to time. >> judge jeanine: what did he
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say about her? >> specifically he would say that she was part of his past and he was looking to move away from her. >> judge jeanine: all right. and i understand that she has indicated or she apparently moved closer to him after they broke up and they had only been dating for a couple of months. >> i think that is -- i think that is accurate and the sad part about this is this s a really terrific individual who had taken in people who were lonely and troubled and turned them into roommates and good friends and he gave his car to somebody who was in need and would buy meals for people and was an inspiring individual and we all really miss him. >> judge jeanine: i'm sure you do. thanks for being with us this evening and we are sor sorry fr your loss. >> coming up, the "justice" panel breaks down the case. and listen up, ladies if you or your boss thinks you are simply irresistible you might get
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fired. >>. >>
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live from america's news headquarters president obama pinning chuck haigel as new secretary of defense. he angered group was his stance on israel and iran and gay rights organizations condemned haigel made about a gay former diplomat in the past. new plans cooking to bring back the ever popular twinkie. the "wall street journal" reporting the makers of thomas english must have yinz are merging and the company might go up for auction this month. hosts filed for bankruptcy in november. famous brands will likely live on, but the company's defis mis will likely mean the loss of some 18,000 jobs. now, back to justice with
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judge janine. for latest headlines log on to fox bream. now, back to it "justice" with judge jeanine. >> i have to ask you this, did you kill travis? >> absolutely not. no, i had no part in it. >> i needed to be honest and the evidence s very compelling but none of it proves that i committed a murder. none of it proves that i committed a crime. i would be shaking in my boots right now if i had to answer to god for such a heinous crime. i have done many things that are shameful but you this is not one of them. i didn't commit a murder. i didn't hurt travis. i would never hurt travis. >> judge jeanine: even she admits the evidence is very compelling. joining me to talk about the jodi arias trial is fox news contributor and former homicide detective mark fuhrman from idaho. with me in the the studio attorneys joia jackson and sidelingist dr. robby ludewig and dr. michael baden.
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guys, thanks. listen. i'm going say two words who does she remind you of? >> casey anthony. >> judge jeanine: takes a woman to see that. i haven't seen the guy and then two people came in and i got away unharmed and i killed him but it was self-defense. >> she is in trouble. not only the inconsistent statements but the nature of crime itself. even if you say it is self-defense, right, you have to act in proportion to what the threats pose. we are talking about 27 stab wounds in addition to a shot to the face. now, we also have -- >> and a slit throat. >> from ear to ear. >> to make sure, though. >> make sure. >> judge jeanine: defense attorney. >> if you didn't slit the throat you can't be sure. >> judge jeanine: you know, mark fuhrman. let me go to you.
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how is it that a woman who looks so petite can take down a guy as big as he was, 27 times, slit his throat. in how does that happen, mark fuhrman? >> judge, i think that the fact that he s in the shower and she is not. she armed herself and i believe the gun shot was probably the first weapon that she used and when didn't succumb to the gun shot she went to the knife and then that was definitely overkill because he kept fighting back and he was fighting her for the knife. i believe that is how it went down but i didn't have the opportunity to see. >> judge jeanine: dr. baden you are the pathologist here. can we tell whether or not the shot to the face was the first injury? >> you can't tell that from the autopsy alone. i reviewed the autopsy findings but as mark says in order to be able to get close enough to her to do her harm it is most likely that from past experience that she shot him from a distance. the autopsy report indicates that the gun was two or three
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feet away at the closest. >> or else there would have been the -- >> the gun powder residue. >> judge jeanine: so maybe he didn't know it was coming. >> a distance. may not know it was coming and he couldn't grab her. if she was closer than that he could possibly grab her. and then the bul bullet wound through the forehead down to the cheek didn't hit the brain but was close enough to the brain to cause her to lose consciousness temporarily. >> judge jeanine: caused him to lose consciousness. >> during which she can then stab him. >> judge jeanine: all right, mr. defense attorney, famous man. how are you doing defend this case? >> catch a heart attack in the middle of the trial. for adjour adjournment. >> here is the thing. you know, you pick your defense early on and you go with it and you stick with it. here the problem is this. i wasn't there. the dna evidence says you were there. okay, i was there but two
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intruders came into the house and killed him and i got out of there and i didn't want to call the police. there is no evidence of intruders. so i killed him but it was in is self-defense you see. the real defense would have been a psychiatric dehe fence >> judge jeanine: is she psychotic? >> i think she has borderline personality disorder. antisocial. >> antisocial, absolutely. >> i think that is there. but the borderline personality, someone who has border line personality disorder overly idealizes a person and then devalues them. is aoften they are quite see seductive and then clingy and then -- >> judge jeanine: is she stupid? joey, you are nodding your head 86 wasn't there. i haven't seen h him. i there was. i got away. oh, i did it. >> she thinks she s so beautiful she can get away with
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it. she uses her beauty and seductiveness to get away with a lot. >> judge jeanine: how come she doesn't have a history? >> maybe it never got to this extreme right now? >> mark fuhrman, what would you be looking for right now in her history to prove that she does stuff like this? mark fuhrman? >> oh, i'm sorry, judge. >> i'll answer. >> judge jeanine: what is it in her history? what would you be looking for? >> well, you don't even have to look for -- what you are looking for in the history. if you are going to claim self-defense people that are victims in a self-defense situation don't bring the weapons with them. they don't clean up the scene. they don't destroy evidence and they don't take the murders with them. forget the two stories and her personal history. all you have to do is focus on a bloody fingerprint with two sets of dna on it the victim's and this suspect the defendant. that is all you have to do and you have her in pictures. she took the weapons.
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so where are the weapons. >> judge jeanine: what mark is talking about is there is a camera and apparently the camera -- she takes pictures of him when they are having sex and the camera falls and it shows pictures of her dragging his body across the floor. >> not of her. >> good defense attorney. and she puts the camera if the washing machine a whack job. >> and eraise the pictures prior. there are many problems here. and friends that will say that she was engaged in stalking behavior prior to this. going see him. she was coming to live closer to him. she was -- >> a coworker of his. >> which is why in reality this case deserves some sort of mental defect edefense. >> but she knew it was wrong. >> i'm talking about a heat of passion defense. obviously she lost it over this guy. >> it wasn't his gun, it was her gun. >> the thing about the gun that
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you mentioned that she -- she -- he was shot once with a .25 caliber bullet. they recovered the bullet but haven't recovered the gun. her grandfather had a .25 caliber gun missing. and what the police can do looking for evidence is to go to where he may have used target practice, a tree in the backyard. >> judge jeanine: match the ballistics. >> and match the bullets even though they don't find the gun. >> i don't think we need to tie her to the crime any more, right? >> the psychological defense one of the things you can say is look in the history and she if she he was a victim of some kind of sexual abuse and if somehow during the time this guy rejected her the past abuse and other abuses all merged into one and she really felt like she needed to defend herself. even if he wasn't attacking her. >> none of that comes into play here because she is saying it was self-defense. >> judge jeanine: she boxed
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herself in. >> i'm also concerned about the demonizing of the victim here by the defense. you always have to be careful doing that. and the fact that the strategy of the defense is to say this person was -- he was a pedophile. he was a sex addict. jurors don't like that. >> judge jeanine: i never said he was a pedophile, i don't want to do that. mark fuhrman she does say she admits he was going away with a new girlfriend in a couple of days and that we know provides us with mow ittive, correct, mark? >> well, it is all irdevelop he really.levant which excuse s okay for a premeditated murder. we are worried about the motive instead of concentrating on the facts. she committed the murder. she said so. she got rid of the murder weapon. >> she claims self-defense. >> she didn't call 911 and got rid of the evidence. she he can't prove self-defense
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without the weapons. >> evidence of motive and obsession is relative now because she is claiming self-defense. >> judge jeanine: let's assume she is convicted because the evidence s overwhelming. >> what a leap. >> casey anthony. >> would a jury give a omero woman like this a death penalty. that is serious. >> i think on facts like this you have to think and in a venue like this. >> no criminal history. >> i understand that but the facts of this cry for if there was a justification this would provide it. >> judge jeanine: tdo you think so? >> the sentencing phase s a whelm different phase. >> s she a pathetic woman? >> not here. by the time they come to the sentencing phase she will be pathetic. >> judge jeanine: death penalty? >> i could see it happening. >> judge jeanine: interesting. dr. ludewig, thank you. coming up, this man thought he was doing a good deed. a sperm donation to help a
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family. should he be on the hook for child support? and don't forget to vote in our instapoll should a newspaper like the publish the names and addresses of individuals who legally own guns like me. go to my facebook page or my twitter account to vote. ♪ [ male announcer ] how do you turn an entrepreneur's dream... ♪ into a scooter that talks to the cloud? ♪ or turn 30-million artifacts... ♪ into a high-tech masterpiece? ♪ whatever your business challenge, dell has the technology and services to help you solve it.
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♪ hit me with your best shot ♪ h hit me with your best shot, fire away ♪ >> judge jeanine: a kansas man is getting more of a return on his deposit than he bargained for. take a look at how a good deed by a sperm donor might affect this guy's wallet. it all started with a 2009 topeka craigslist ad seeking a sperm donor. william and his wife respond. >> they were a couple. they couldn't have children by themselves. it is something i could help with. >> he says he didn't receive any payment and consented to a written agreement signing away any parental rights long before the little girl was born. >> they very much wanted something in place that said okay, you are doing this for us but you don't have any claim to this childed. >> but in october of 2012 he says the kansas department for children and family services
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informed him he was being ordered to cough up the less than $200 a month the state had been paying. >> at which point i'm going wow, no good deed goes unpunished. >> the couple split up and the birth mother filed for social welfare. both mothers are still in the picture and still acting a. as the child's parents. >> jennifer was pressured coerced in essence to give my name. >> according to court documents the state argues because it was not performed bay licensed doctor the sperm donor contract is null and void. >> judge jeanine: back with me are former prosecutor joey jackson and criminal defense attorney joe. this guy says he is doing a good deed. finds them on craigs list or they find him and say we will give you 50 bucks for your sperm and he says i will give it to you for free. wife agrees and they say look you can't be a parent, you give away your parental rights injuries he wants no part of it, he leaves, had a good time,
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goodbye. and then the state comes after him and says we want child support. >> unbelievable. unbelievable. appalling. it is like, you know, who are the people making these decisions for that state? i mean is kansas so antiquated. the law is outdated clearly. >> this guy is not a father. >> not even that. you can legally buy artificial in se insemination kits on the website. >> you can? >> i read the facts of this case and i'm -- and you can use mid wives. don't need a doctor. understand the difference. you can do this as long as the doctor pearl form performs thel insemination. >> that is what is problematic they are going to turn this on the fact that a doctor don't perform it. courts are courts of equity. they want to make sure they get it right. >> judge jeanine: to be fair.
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>> if you make it turn on that. here is the person. the question is whether he is a parent/father or a sperm donor. clearly the intent was to donate sperm and have no orientinglement to thi -- anteo the child. >> the states who have ruled that a sperm donor may be held legally responsible financially the only people that the position are people who have had relationships with the child. met him or her and have some interaction. this person never met the -- >> it sounds like what happened it a division of children and families they say is required by statute to establish paternity and then pursue child support from the noncustodial parent. the two women it was a lesbian couple. the two women say we are the parent ares. one gets sick they go on some kind of assistance and the state wants to go after the sperm doan. a disservice and disrespect. it is the couple also that has that is why they are so furious. they are are saying we don't want his money. he is not the parent.
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this child is going to be thinking he has three parents now according to the state. >> the problem is it becomes a taxpayer issue right because the locality now is going after when anybody goes on welfare. >> i was a judge i used to do this. could i care that the guy gave his sperm and they said we don't want any part of him other than his sperm so to speak. >> you got it right as a judge. unfortunately, they are not getting it right. they need to. >> judge jeanine: and i think is this going to -- is this going to change the law. do you think there will be some movement to change the law? >> i think kansas will catch up with the rest of modern society actually. >> amen. please do. >> judge jeanine: all right, guys. stand by. when we get back, watch out, you, too, might be fired for being too sexy.
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♪ i'm too sexy for my shirt, so sexy it hurts ♪ i'm' too sexy for my man ♪ >> judge jeanine: too sexy, indeed. melissa nelson is a 32-year-old dental assistant in iowa. she was fired by her 53-year-old dentist employer because of h her good looks. the two never had a sexual relationship but when knight's wife found out about text messaging between the dentist and dental assistant she demanded that the dental assistant be fired so the dental assistant takes the dentist to court but the all male iowa supreme court rules guess what the dentist could fire her for being too sexy. meanwhile, the woman, worked for him for ten years. >> i say outrageous! first of all, this is a 7-0 decision. all male court saying that her
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firing was just and appropriate. are you kidding me? she was fired because of her gender and because she was too sexy. >> they didn't say it was appropriate to fire her. they said it was not a constitutional -- >> judge jeanine: discriminatin discriminatio n. >> morally perhapses it is wrong. the one question. the constitutional issue. was this a constitutional violation. was she fired based on a protected class. was her gender called in question. of course, not. >> yes. i will tell you why. >> it doesn't matter the remaysment. >> he replaced her with a woman. >> it doesn't matter. >> the how many who replaced wasn't as sexy as her. she is not according to the court an irresistible distraction? >> people get fired every day if dynamics don't work in the work environment. >> judge jeanine: she there was for ten years. she didn't change. >> how do you know that?
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the allegation is that she did change. apparently she started dressing provocatively and acting inappropriately. >> that is what he said. >> were you there? >> the court said they were texting. do you know what they were texting about. in updates on their kids. that s hogwash. >> judge jeanine: dr. knight acknowledges he once told her if she saw his pants bulging it is because she would know her clothing was too revealing and he texts her and she doesn't answer his text and she loses her job. >> it is the wrong claim. it is not a constitutional claim, okay. >> judge jeanine: i don't care -- >> it is the wrong claim. >> she may have a suit against him and a valid lawsuit. >> don't say that again. >> she mehmet okur have may hd lawsuit. the boot texted h her how many orgasms are you having?
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is this -- the boss text ited her how many orgasms are you having. it is not a constitutional violation. i would take the suit for sexual harassment. she was not fired based upon a constitutional violation. >> judge jeanine: would you stop with the constitutional issue. you can fire her, does that mean she should skank up before she goes to work so she doesn't turn on her boss? >> the court was not summoned to determine an employment litigation case. >> let it go. talk about protected classes. this is why we protect women because they have males in the work place who can't behave. >> judge jeanine: who are predators. >> if she feels she should dress a certain way and a boss does not respect that. >> there may be a abe legal cl. it is not a constitutional issue you. >> judge jeanine: here is the thing. you know what if i have and i was a d.a. and i had all these men work for me, investigators,
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cops, prosecutors, all, this if i think that somebody is too good looking and i'm going to fire h him you don't think i should get my tail sued for that? >> you should. absolutely. this was hall challenged on the constitutional basis. >> judge jeanine: you are a recovering prosecutor. all right. >> you have a lot of recovering to do if you think this lawsuit wasn't just and appropriate. >> she should sue him for sexual harassment. >> shame on him for sure. >> sue you him. shosue him back! now, i'm going to my instapoll as to whether the journal news in publishing the names and addresses including mine of legal authorized gun own ares in westchester county. first we got a huge response and the results are in. keep in mind the margin of error is off the charts. but over 99, get that, 99% of you said no.
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the journal news should not have published the names and addresses. they should not be published. so here is what some of you had to say. new york yankee tweets it is reckless and meritless and puts many in peril. they made themselves partners with the criminals. don't buy their paper. >> and one of the one or are two who said yes says all this information is public and everyone has access to it. i say hog wash. shame on them. get out of the mole hole and start talking about. all right, joes and joey. should they have done that? >> no way. >> judge jeanine: why not? >> they are legally possessing a weapon. why should they out someone who is legally win their rights possessing a weapon. so semilune tick i some lunatio their home and try to solve the
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problems themselves? what is the legitimate purpose? the legitimate purpose? >> let me tell you the purpose. >> not scandalous. >> they followed legal and appropriate channels. went and filed a freedom of information law request and got information that any one in the public could have gotten themselves. some people have children and don't want their children around gun owners and some people can make educated choices as to the homes they want to go to and the homes and as a result of that they were in their right. >> judge jeanine: why would they need to know the how many guns, who was the judge who signed the permit and what kind of guns do they have? >> it is a political move. >> judge jeanine: an anti-gun liberal leftist egg head organization. >> a reaction to the recent tragedy and shootings. >> what does that have to do with newtown? do you want to tell me? >> the news sensationalizing an issue and now using this to out people who are doing nothing wrong at all. at all. >> judge jeanine: they don't have an interactive map of pedophiles in westchester.
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>> they need to. >> how about people convicted of drunk driving? should they publish that? okay should they publish that in the newspapers? >> they were doing whether you are alleged to have done it. >> thanks for joining us. remember to friend me on facebook. follow me on twitter @ judge jeanine and you can take part in our next insta poll. see you next week. same time. same me. maybe the two joeys. captioned by closed captioning services, inc.
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geraldo you are a member of the nra. >> i am. i brought my card. >> there are going to be a press conference today. what do you expect them to say? >> let me be clear about this.
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with wayne la pierre the very effective articulate head, executive vice president of the national rifle association does not indicate that the nra has finally come to recognize that there is no legitimate reason beyond extremely limited circumstance is like highly regulated gun clubs or the military or law enforcement for these assault weapons or eastbound tended magazines i will come on this program after the holidays and i will shred my membership card. >> they perpetuate the dangerous notion that one more gun ban or one more law imposed on peaceable lawful people will protect us. where 20,000 other laws have failed. geraldo this is a fox news alert. thanks for tuning us in tonight. i'm geraldo rivera reporting that as pressure builds across the nation for sensible gun control, four gun shows scheduled for this weekend within an hour's drive of last month's elementary school
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massacre in newtown, connecticut were cancel ised. despite requests from the mayor of stamford, connecticut a fifth gun show did go on there as scheduled. a small number of protesters today demonstrating outside. as a card carrying member of the nra as the bottom of the hour i will respond to the refusal so far to accept any regulations whatsoever on either military style weapons or high capacity magazines like the ones used in sandy hook and earlier in the colorado movie massacre and in other incidents. also this evening, we will be probing the sensational jodi arias murder trial including an exclusive live interview with the best friend of travis alexander the man jodi is accused of stabbing multiple times in a jealous rage. we begin tonight with our crime time in prime time probe of the death last february at the beverly hilton hotel


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